X-spirit start up: UX-design, corporate identity and web design

XSPIRIT – outdoors sport training start-up project. 

We have executed the following tasks for this project:

1) Creating naming and slogan 

2) Creating logotype and corporate identity

3) Internet brand strategy 

4) Ergonomics, web design & copywriting

Метки: 2017, B2C, branding, copywriting, identity, logotype, naming, Startup, web design

Другие работы в разделе — WEB и multimedia (13 из 63)

Предыдущий проект

Catering company: webdesign

All projects, Graphic design and branding, WEB и multimedia

Следующий проект

Branding and communication design for Selfieroom mobile app start up

All projects, Graphic design and branding, WEB и multimedia

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