Full list of logotypes
All projects, Graphic design and branding
Gift wood package
All projects, Graphic design and branding
Brandbook of Wine store’s franchising project
All projects, Graphic design and branding
Russian champagne package
Graphic design and branding
Design of Victor Dravigny packages
Graphic design and branding
Victor Dravigny France. Package design
All projects, Graphic design and branding
New label design
All projects, Graphic design and branding
Abrau Durso’s support of Olimpyc Games.
All projects, Graphic design and branding
Broadsize advertising of Alexander II wine
All projects, Graphic design and branding
Design of cold protection packages
All projects, Graphic design and branding
Victor Dravigny duty free fridge design
All projects, Graphic design and branding
Wine event identity -2013
All projects, Graphic design and branding
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