New Year printing and promo

Christmas and New Year holidays

are a special occasion when we give tokens of appreciation to our colleagues, clients and partners, thanking them for successful cooperation throughout the year!

We offer exclusive designs of calendars, e-postcards and seasonal greeting letters for the 2018-2019 Christmas/New Year holiday season:

Calendars for 2019

see examples

Postcards for 2019

see examples

Videos and websites for 2019

see examples

New Year promo for 2019

see examples

Our features and capabilities

include the creation of custom-made artwork, original graphics, commercial art and design, creative solutions that will help your company stand out in the eyes of your partners and clients.

Cost of design for 2019 calendars

Name of work item Time limits* Cost of design per unit** Total design cost**
number of printed copies
number of printed copies
number of printed copies

Original style and design of brand-building wall calendars and envelopes (sizes A3, A2);

Stages of work:

  • Concept creation:
    • conceiving three different alternatives of the concept design;
    • each option will include the design of the cover, two inner pages and the envelope.
  • Design of the chosen option and production
    • o creation of artwork or photographic shoot for the chosen design concept;
    • o graphic artwork techniques: watercolor painting, India ink, vector graphics, infographics, collages.
  • Layout preparation and printing of the calendar and the envelope;
  • Additionally:
    • the cost of the photoshoot does not include purchasing props, hiring models or printing out calendars. This cost can be estimated separately.
30 833,33 500 250 250 000

Yearly double-band desk tent calendar

  • this offer includes three design alternatives, DTP of the calendar grid, the pre-pressing and the creation of a photo collage or artwork for each of the alternatives.
7 50 30 15 15 000

12-band desk flip calendar

  • the offer includes three design alternatives
  • creation of a make-up page based on the chosen design option, a photo collage or artwork
10 100 60 30 30 000

Quarterly wall calendar with a hard-set frame

  • the offer includes three design alternatives
  • creation of a make-up page based on the chosen design option

The cost does not include DTP of the calendar grid. The calendar block for the quarterly calendars is provided by the printing office

7 50 30 15 15 000

Printed postcards and envelopes with original style and design

  • the offer includes three design alternatives
  • creation of a make-up page based on the chosen design option, pre-printing
7 50 30 15 15 000

Brand-building wall flip calendar based on the materials provided by the customer, A3 and A2 sizes

  • the offer includes three design alternatives
  • creation of a make-up page based on the chosen design option, retouching of photographs, pre-printing

The cost may be revised depending on the complexity of photograph retouching.

10 166,67 100 50 50 000

* — work days only

** — the amounts are in rubles, VAT excluded

The cost of the holiday season advertising style and design and e-postcards/seasonal greeting letters

Name of work item Time limits* Total design cost**

Design of a seasonal promo image, a seasonal gift package or POS materials:

  • Concept creation:
    • a choice of three alternatives with creative input and low-res artwork (layouts in low resolution)
  • Production and pre-printing of layouts
    • high-res production of the chosen alternative (up to two layouts in high resolution)
    • the cost includes artwork and photoshoots.

The cost may be revised depending on the number of layouts for adaptation.

20-30  80 000 

Creation of a video, script-writing included

filming, editing, dubbing/voiceover, visual effects, the runtime is 5-10 minutes

  • only the cost’s lowest range is given, generally it depends on the complexity of animation in the video
  • the cost does not include rental charge for the studio, hiring models, voice talent fee or purchasing props
15 70 000 

Creation of a video using ready footage

editing, visual effects, the runtime is 5-10 minutes

  • the cost does not include rental charge for the studio, hiring models or purchasing props
10  45 000 

Seasonal promo web page

10  от 100 000 

Animated e-postcard

10-15  от 30 000

* — work days only

** — the amounts are in rubles, VAT excluded

Our conditions:

  1. Before the start of the works we draw up a statement of work with the description of the task, stages and types of work.
  2. We charge advance payment — 50% of the total cost. For customers placing several orders at once, we offer discounts:

2 work items — 5%

3 work items — 10%

4 work items — 15%

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