Types of sites and development stages

We described the website types and their stages of development. The main peculiarity of website development — the creation of content and ergonomics greatly influence on the successful result of the further promotion and advertising. 

Strategy UX design Website design Content design Front-end и back-end Server installation Terms
Parked page N N Y N Y Y 10
Landing page Q N Y Q Y Y 10-20
Corporate site Q Q Y Q Y Y 30-60
Promotional sites Q N Y Q Y Y 25-40
Internet services Y Y Y Y Y Y 10
Online stores Y Y Y Y Y Y 10


  • Goals

    To create a one-page information site with
    minimum cost;

    To upload single page till the complex
    site is ready.

  • Аdvantages

    Fast and low-cost web development.

  • Features

    It isn’t an advertising web page. It is simply
    an information page without complicated
    graphic design and technical solutions.

  • Terms of development

    Min — 7 work days.


  • Goals

    To create a webpage for your promotion events, programms and actions;

    To create a presentation of your services or goods.

  • Advantages

    Laconic form of presentation and page structure;

    bright, unique content, without strong budget increase;

    the best way to launch contextual advertising campaign, because the information will be precisely relevant to the search request;

    an affordable solution for page promotion using SEO.

  • Features

    Not suitable if you want to use long texts for different types of services and with constantly updated news information (the exception being Instagram news).

  • Terms of development

    Min — 17 work days.


  • Goal

    To create a non-standart advertising tool;

  • Advantages

    Bright and memorable website;

  • Features

    This is a non-standart presentation, which may have a structure of movie and be created as a story;

    It is suitable for the fashion industry, expensive brands or music films or projects: for example, a website with songs or albums of music bands; In some cases, it is not necessary to create

    a site management system, but it could be recommended on an individual basis.

  • Terms of development

    Min — 103 work days.


  • Goals

    This type of websites is suitable for creating corporate presentations of business services;

    this type of websites is suitable for regular news publishing.

  • Advantages


    The option of creating extended presentations with a variety of sections: news, services, special offers, story about the team and other section depending on the specific business.

  • Features

    The longer period of the key stages of the website development: design, front-end and back-end development and content preparation;

    SEO promotion requires higher expenses.

  • Terms of development

    min — 91 work days.


  • Goal

    It is a user-oriented system: a sales tool, a leisure managment tool, a site with interactive
    opportunities and training programs.

  • Advantages

    Customized solutions for large audience.

  • Features

    Long development cycle;

    in the case when the service is startup the design
    stage will include the development of creative idea,
    branding and UI-Kit;

    tailor-made site management system;

    if you need to promote the site using
    of contextual advertising or in exceptional cases
    in search requests, you need to make a landing
    page site in addition to the main site.

  • Terms of development

    min — 7 months.


  • Goal

    Sale of goods through the Internet site.

  • Features

    You must be a registered individual entrepreneur or have a company for organization online store according to Russian law;

    there is only the paid management system for online payment — BITRIX, integrated with the 1C accounting system in the Russian market;

    this type of site is required a big database of high quality photos and textual content

  • Terms of development

    4-6 months.


Website type CRM Technical support Contextual advertising Search Engine Optimization Creating content Social media marketing
Parked page Y N N N N Q
Landing page Y Y Y Y Y Y
Corporate site Y Y Y Y Y Y
Promotional site Q Y Y N N Y
Internet service Y Y Y N Y Y
Online store Y Y Y Y Y Y


1 Our clients We offer services for both large and small businesses.
2 Hourly payment We work on an hourly basis.
3 Regular reports If the project duration is longer than one month,
at the end of each month we will prepare a report about
the work performed and our results achieved.
4 What is the starting point? You can appreciate the benefits of working with us,
starting with a small amount of tasks.
5 Leave a request or call us We will send you a brief and call you back to understand
the essence of the task and the specifics of your business.
After that we will make a commercial offer with
a recommendation of services suitable for your tasks.
6 Planning We will make an agreement with the client
on the work plan and costs.

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