Photo and video production

We create video ads and video clips about your business and services, including online video ads. Also, we offer advertising and interior photography as a part of project work (websites, brand books and advertising).


Product photography is the most important part in the advertising FMCG brands: food, beverages, clothes and other goods. High professional executed photography will emphasize online and offline advertising campaign.  

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The conceptual or staged photography is special creative process. During preparing conceptual photography art-director and manager should provide for every part of future frame. So this kind of photography strongly different from others by shooting preparing which includes creating storyboard, sketching and choosing and buying props. Food conceptual photography  is required to hire food stylist professional. A food stylist’s job is to help create the kind of irresistible images that make you want to lick the page they’re printed on.

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Interior photography is integral brand book and ads for different trade and public services. Successful images are not only the result of technique or technology: they depend as much on the taste and creativity of the photographer and art director, so try to develop your own visual culture as much as possible as emphasize the hotel, retail of office advantages.  

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We create different video ad clips for the Internet, offline events and social media pages. Video ad clip is the best tool for attracting a target audience attention. Social media data proof this statement and now the video is the most popular advertising tools for different goods and services. 

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The video, corporate or documentary – the best way to tell about the history of corporate or industry for using various journalistic genres and techniques: a note, reportage, essay, observation. The different public event required multi-camera shooting. We have experience in this way and can make a documentary or video translation.

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