Design concept for Abrau Light sparkling wine promotional

There are three key visuals for three kinds of sparkling wine. The idea focused on the city as the young generation enviroment. City is pulse of life, place of achivements, dream about future.

Метки: 2014, alcohol, B2C, branding, Creative idea, design concept, environmental design, FMCG, key visual design, Package design, Photography, POS, presentation, product photography

We looked for new technologies of promotional material production. Shelftaker and promo screens made by digital paper technologies. 3D stiker graphic was drawn for creating 3d illusion.

Photographer of all project— Alina Kholopova

POS materials.

  1.  3D stiker. The task was to create 3d illusion by image. 
  2. Pallet design
  3. Sheltalker for 6 bottles. ( production technology — ipaper. It allowed to create shelftaker with changing backlight parts of image. It looks like animated image.)
  4. Sheltolker for  3 bottles. ( production technology — ipaper)

Package design «Abrau Light»

  1. Common package for rose and semisweet tastes. Design and prepress. 
  2. Concept and  design package  with music speaker.  Design and prepress. 
  3. Package for two glasses. Concept, design, pre-press, photoshooting.  

The print technology is printing on metalic cardboard base. 

Photoshooting glasses and packages — Alina Kholopova. 


Design stend for «Moscow Bar Show» exibition

Product photoshooting

Другие работы в разделе — Graphic design and branding (20 из 59)

Предыдущий проект

Gift package design

Graphic design and branding

Следующий проект

Alexander II broadsize advertising — 2014

Graphic design and branding

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