Brandbook of Wine store’s franchising project

Brandbook was developed for launching of franchising project Atelie Wine store. The process divided on three stages: 1) creating identity and promotional materials; 2) photo shooting; 3) creating presentation.

As result four stores were launched last year.

The team project consisted of me, 2 designers and photographer. 
I was responsible for project conducting, copywriting, creating presentation, identity design.  
Anastasia Sherifzyanova was responsible for sсheme design, 
Artem Komarov was responsible for interior visualisation. 
Photographer— Alexandra Sokolova

There are two out-of-home advertising for announcement new store opening

Метки: 2013, alcohol, B2B, brandbook, Creative idea, FMCG, identity, Interior photography, Photography, presentation, retail

Second boutique opening

Другие работы в разделе — Graphic design and branding (32 из 63)

Предыдущий проект

Gift wood package

All projects, Graphic design and branding

Следующий проект

Russian champagne package

All projects, Graphic design and branding

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