Design of corporate calendar

The task was to create corporate calendar, postcard and calendar poket to time of New Year celebrations. «Champagne makers alphabet » is Abrau Durso corporate calendar communication idea. «Alphabet » introduce spectators with stages and terminology sparkling wine producing. 

Graphic idea is to use quilling paper technic, whicn look like sparkling wine  bubbles moving and create light and sparkling mood. 

Projects team 

I was responsible for idea,  project management, graphic concept and graphic design work. Team project consist of two designers — Anastasia Sherifzyanova (responsible for some vector illustrations) and Artem Komarov (responsible for 3D graphic of some images) and quilling master.  

Метки: 2014, alcohol, artworks, B2B, calendar, corporate design, Creative idea, design concept, illustration, key visual design, newyearpromo, Photography, postcard

Другие работы в разделе — Graphic design and branding (30 из 63)

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Gift wood package

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