Advertising for Ferrari sparkling wine

Concept for, and development of, advertising image of Italian sparkling wine. The first advertising image for Ferrari trademark was designed to be published in press in spring and summer that’s why an idea for Ferrari Rose was chosen for final advertisement. The layout was to highlight Ferrari sparkling wine characteristics, to reflect an image different from the same name sports car brand and to demonstrate cultural and aesthetic values of its target audience. For this advertisement 3D models of champagne splash and sakura branches were developed based on original sketches.

Advertising in: 1. Harper’s Bazaar, 2. ELLE, 3. Gala

Broadside advertising for Ferrari sparkling wine
Adaptation of advertising image for POS posters. A 3D model of orchid was developed for this layout like it was done for press advertising image.

Метки: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, advertising, alcohol, B2C, design concept, FMCG, key visual design

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