Flacoin female media portal
— the creative idea, identity and ergonomics development
The Flacoin female social media is created based on the block chain technology and at the same time it is a method of issuing crypto currency.
The business project’s idea is that all users having equal rights in the system can write and add their articles on this site. The monetization tools and the source of the author’s profit are to get from followers reaction on the content: getting likes and the article’s reposts, appearing of new followers.
When we received the order, first of all we took notice of medieval legend of searching new source of gold production that concerns the idea of a «philosophical stone». This is a universal principle that promotes the transformation of two basic elements: a mercury and a sulfur into gold.
Метки: 2017, B2C, branding, Creative idea, digitalbranding, identity, logotype, UX-design, web design
Big idea
The theoretical basis of alchemy is based on two principles — philosophical mercury and philosophical sulfur. Under the influence of heat these two principles are combined and formed seven famous elements: Gold, Silver, Mercury, Lead, Copper, Tin and Iron.
The philosopher’s stone helps a faster maturation of Gold with the combination of Sulfur and Mercury. Just the philosopher’s stone is origin of everything exesting, a mythical substance capable of giving its owner immortality, eternal youth and knowledge.
Creative and graphic idea
The Mercury, Sulfur and Gold are the alchemists triads and the idea of macro and micro space. The person in it was regarded as a world in miniature, as a reflection of the Cosmos, and therefore consisting of the same elements. Every element in this idea has own analogy.
1. Sulfur — the immortal, omnipresent spirit of life, corresponds to the element of fire;
2. The Mercury is the soul uniting spirit and the body, top and bottom, corresponds to elements of water and air.
3. The Sun is the solid that appear as burning result, it’s to corresponds to earth and sun. Also it is symbol of contradiction of the Sun and the Moon, a woman and a men, a queen as philosophical Sulfur and king as philosophical Mercury.
The symbolism the Mercury, Sulfur and the Sun underlies the creative and graphic idea.
Key visual reproduces the idea of the man as the space and represents the motivational ideas from the site’s user scenario: self-development and self-improvement. This part of work is described below.
The two goals were determine at the start of the work:
The first goal. Creating site’s scenario that will motivate users to write and upload the qualitative content.
The second goal. Creating a motivational scenario that will allow to overcome the barrier associated with low article’s cost at the first stage of using the service. It is necessary to immediately understand how the use of the portal can become a profitable business in the future.
The main system’s barrier is the lack of an editorial department. It’s connected with the main exesting risk concerns heterogeneity of the published content that may decrease the demand for the use of the site and appearing possible difficulties with sorting the article base.
The first solution. To divide users and their content on the two groups: professionals and amateurs.
The second solution. The system onboarding will contain notification with description of user’s advanteges of regularly publishing of articles on her professional theme. All blogs and media will personal media.
After blog will be created and it’s issues will become popular and it will receive the numerous subscribers the Flacoin system will notify successful author to create media from this blog.
After author will approve this notification he will become “opinion leadership” and his media will show on the main page. The main condition for this status receiveing by user is to follow of system’s rules.
Additionally we made recommendations to add advertising tools to the blogs tools.
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