We present for your attention a new project was ordered by Federal State Unitary Enterprise «NO RWM» (Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation): the kids comics devoted to the final isolation of the radioactive wastes.
Метки: 2020, artworks, brand heroes, design concept, Government organisations, graphic design
The tasks were set by «NO RWM » to us:
We created:
The story consists of five episodes, where main heroes (radioactive elements) were depicted as the little blue barrels. At first, this story tells us about hardworking blue burrels at industrial enterprises. There are the nuclear-powered icebreaker, the Leningrad NPP, the veterinary clinic, the south agricultural land. At the end of the story, radioactive elements will become radioactive wastes and will be delivered by special cars to the final isolation place.
The first spread shows the scene. This is the 50 let Pobedy of the Russian Arktika-class nuclear-powered icebreaker. The next spread is devoted to the first blue barrel has been working for the 50 let Pobedy icebreaker and is depicted conversation of two friends: the blue burrel and the seagull bird.
The third spread tells us about the seagull bird returning on the land from the Arctica Ocean. The Seagull bird flying over the Murmansk Commercial Seaport located on the eastern shore of the Kola Bay of Barents Sea in the city of Murmansk. Than the bird is flying to the veterinary clinic. This episode underlines an idea to kids that radioactive elements uses in medicine, for example in a X-RAY equipment, and in this way, it can help to humanity and domestic animals.
The forth spread shows the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant (Leningrad NPP), which located in the town of Sosnovy Bor in Russian’s Leningrad Oblast.
The fifth spread tells us about the blue barrels, which take part on preparing potatoes before planting.
The sixth spread unites all previous stories to one. The blue barrels have recently received a news about their relative achieved the North Pole very quickly (based on the real events). They are very glad the new win. After this, they have realized that their serving period is finished. And then the blue barrels are going for changing place of living.
The final spread is devoted to the final isolation of the blue barrels. All of them were hardworking staff, they achieved all professional goals and deserve awards for their contribution.
We see the blue barrel from icebreaker on the last artwork. He stands on the steps and looks at the sky, where clouds are flying and they look like the famous icebreaker…
The projects team: Eleonora Laas – a concept, scenario, art, artworks, design, Kirill Rusanov, Irina Nikulina – an image retouching, Natalia Astanina – a proofreading; All handmade artworks executed by colour ink and watercolor.
We express our special gratitude to the department of Public Relations of FSUE «NO RWM» for the joint work!
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