We present for your attention the design of the brochure devoted to the Underground Research Laboratory in the Nizhnekamskiy Massif. The brochure design was ordered by «NO RWM» Federal State Unitary Enterprise (Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation).
Метки: 2020, artworks, Creative idea, design concept, Government organisations, graphic design, printing design
The task were set by «NO RAW» to us:
We created:
The creative idea is about that biosphere is an unique unite of gidrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere. It is complex of the all physical processes and living organisms. Nowdays saving of the biosphere is the main all-human value.
The graphic idea is an image of the Earth from the different views: the bird’s-eye view, elevated view of the land from above; bowels of the Earth; forms of continents at the Archean stage; the stage of their formation.
All artworks were drawn by grisaille (a monochrome watercolor technique).
The image contents:
1 – the map of the Nizhnekamskiy Massif in Krasnoyarskiy Kray; this image uses for design of brochure cover;
2 – the image of underground laboratory;
3 – the map of China;
4 – the construction of the underground laboratory;
5 – the mountains of the Archean stage ( the time of forming the Nizhnekamskiy Massif);
6 – the bowels of the Earth;
7 – inside of the Underground Research Laboratory.
The projects team: Laas Eleonora – artworks and design, Natalia Astanina – proofreading; All artworks were executed by watercolor paints.
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